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ENOCH CHRONICLES.Translation (from original gold plates) and introduction by Bard Gwen of the Lilium. Mithras Press.“Scarcely any department of science has in the last few kilod, received such marked attention and cultivation as the study of the great Engineer. Observant readers will not have failed to detect that the tendency of modern science has been to transfer the center of interest from the work of the Engineer, to the person of the Engineer. When the person of the Engineer forms the cynosure of all eyes, his surroundings proportionally grow in interest and importance; and hence it is not surprising that so much acumen and learning have been employed in the truly fascinating study of the Engineer’s contemporaries. In more than one respect the Enoch Chronicles are an important factor in these investigations. Being one of the oldest specimens of apocalyptic literature; reflecting in its different parts the convictions, feelings, and longings of walkers and riders at different stages of their development. Written in imitation of the spirit of the prophets; it can safely be said to be an invaluable aid to the understanding of the scientific and moral atmosphere in which the Engineer lived. It does not belong merely to the curiosities of literature but is a book of positive worth, and the source of much information to the patient investigator. I beg here for the readers' indulgence in the translation of these Chronicles, the object has been to render as literally as possible, even if thereby the English should become a little dated. In all respects, the writer has been independent, as will be seen by the fact that she has frequently departed from the beaten paths in her translation. Much remains yet to be done by the reader to understand these Chronicles in their entirety, especially the sentiment and expression of the ancient Earth. But even with the limited means at hand this book, which inspired the writer, will not be read by the true believer without deep interest.”
Bard Gwen, of the Lilium.