Welcome to Merlin Turtle Books
Philosophical Fiction
Nine Books in Print
Two more books underway and another no more than an inkling.
It matters not what others think, for they see only one. It matters only what you think, for you see all bar none. We share our lives in facets of our total selves. Light shinning in our mirrors, not showing where we dwell. They seize upon a facet and take it to their hearts. Not seeing that it remains but a small part. They judge all our actions by this colored lens and wonder why their perception often offends. We are more than diamonds, myriads of light. We hide ourselves in reflections of our days and nights. For a diamond may be shattered. Its facets scattered wide. But our secret lives, our joys, and hopes are hidden deep inside. If I am judged by others upon a facet small; then all I ask is that you see further than their simple wall. For I am more than a surface of reflecting light; I have depths immeasurable as stars upon the night. Of reflections, light, and sparkle, of how I seem to be; I may know precious little, much less than thee. But I know above all else, to thine own self be true. Or perhaps what I mean to say is I am just like you.
Merlin Turtle 89.